Key Signs You Need a Dental Crown

According to an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry poll, virtually all adults (99.7%) believe a healthy smile is socially significant. A dental crown is one way to maintain the health and function of your teeth. But how do you know if you need a dental crown? Here are key signs.

1. Fractured Tooth

Having a dental crown can help support and protect a tooth that has been fractured or is at risk of breaking. A small fracture may not seem like a big deal, but it can cause serious pain and damage if left untreated. By getting a dental crown, you can avoid further injury to the tooth and keep it looking its best.

2. Worn-Down Teeth

If your teeth are worn down from clenching or grinding, a dental crown can help to restore them to their original size and shape. Wearing down of the teeth can also occur from acid reflux or eating acidic foods. In some cases, the wear may be so severe that it affects how you bite or chew food. Dental crowns can help correct this and improve your overall oral health.

3. Misshapen or Discolored Teeth

A dental crown can also improve the appearance of teeth that are misshapen or discolored. In some cases, the tooth may be too small or too weak to support a dental filling. In other cases, the tooth may be severely stained and not respond well to teeth whitening treatments. Dental crowns can assist you in correcting these aesthetic problems as well as offer you a more appealing smile.

4. Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is often needed when the tooth’s nerve has been damaged or infected. This can cause severe pain and discomfort. A dental crown can protect the tooth after root canal treatment is completed and help prevent it from breaking or becoming loose.

5. Dentures or Bridgework

If you are missing several teeth, dentures or bridgework may be the best option for replacing them. But these appliances can be difficult to keep in place and can often slip out of position. A dental crown can help secure the appliance in place and prevent it from slipping.

If you are experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible. A dental crown may be the best solution for restoring the health and function of your teeth. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please give us a call today.



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